APF Learning Buddies Parent Sharing

Ting Gwan’s Mom:
APF gave us hope for the future

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“It was truly unbelievable that in just 1 year of training, my son who had no skills, is now capable of doing so many things! Ting Gwan is very lucky. He’s blessed to receive so much support from APF when he needed it the most. Finding APF was truly a blessing.” – Ting Gwan’s mother

Prior to receiving ABA treatment services at APF, Ting Gwan’s mother was very concerned about Ting Gwan’s social difficulties, emotional regulation and rigidity. Many ordinary situations, such as getting a haircut at the salon, were extremely difficult for Ting Gwan.

After having received a month of ABA therapy and one year of Learning Buddies at APF, Ting Gwan could finally have a haircut at a salon. He has also made significant improvements in his communication skills, behavior and emotion regulations.

While receiving services at the APF Center, not only did Ting Gwan receive effective and intensive training aimed to prepare him for mainstream school, but Ting Gwan’s mother also received support from APF’s clinical team and learnt skills to handle Ting Gwan’s challenging behaviors.

Ting Gwan’s mother would like to thank all the generous donors who have supported APF and given their family hope for the future.

Ting Gwan’s mother was invited to share her perspective on ASD and ABA services with Autism Partnership Foundation (operating in Hong Kong) (APF, HK). Ting Gwan is a past beneficiary of APF, HK.

Hao Tian’s Mother: From hopeless to hopeful,
APF has changed our lives

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Hao Tian’s mother still remembers the devastation and distress when first received Hao Tian ASD evaluation. “The pediatrician said that my boy was likely to end up in an institution for autism. We needed to be mentally prepared. My husband and I both burst into tears. We were so worried about his future when we are not there for him. It took us six months to accept this fact.”

Diagnosed with ASD, Hao Tian was exhibiting severe emotion and behavior problems. He would scream, throw himself on the floor, and throw temper tantrums. It was exhausting for his parents.

With the concerted efforts of APF therapists and parents during the eight months of treatment services in APF, Hao Tian emotion regulation, attention, instructions following and language skills have improved greatly. To Hao Tian’s mother delight, at Hao Tian third assessment, the pediatrician was shocked by his progress and said with his current abilities, he can now attend in mainstream schools.

Hao Tian’s mother was grateful to APF supportive team. Not only did they help Hao Tian thrive, but also gave her strength and confidence in raising her child with ASD and brightened the family future.

Hao Tian’s mother was invited to share her perspective on ASD and ABA services with Autism Partnership Foundation (operating in Hong Kong) (APF, HK). Hao Tian is a past beneficiary of APF, HK

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